Enter the mind of an injured physical therapist…
Written from my couch September 1st 2020, two weeks post injury.
I can’t believe I’m thinking this way. I can’t believe that exercise and movement is not appealing to me at all. My whole world is movement oriented. From waking up in the morning and being energized to help people move better to my own bliss going on a walk, taking a yoga class or surfing in the ocean. And now, the thought of getting on the ground and doing basic stretches seems like a terrible idea. I would much rather sit on this couch reading, doing work and resting my injured foot I can’t yet stand on. Even though I know I should move for my mental and physical health.
Two weeks ago, in beginning of August, I was out surfing near my home and got stung by a stingray on my right foot. A week after the sting I developed severe infection in two toes and was admitted into the hospital. I stayed in the hospital getting treated and monitored for 4 days. I left the hospital not able to put weight on my right foot and was stuck at home elevating my foot and asking everyone in my network for help. It was extremely hard to ask for help doing dishes, making food, organizing my home etc.
In two weeks, I went from a highly movement based lifestyle to a more “sedentary lifestyle” and OK with it. There are many people I know that don’t have movement as a daily habit or routine. I sort of understand it because I know that different people have different priorities, however now I can see how easy it is to get used to not having a movement or exercise habit in your routine. Also, once it’s out, it’s out, and not even appealing anymore. This behavior change can happen in just two weeks!
The PT voice in me says I should be doing hip strengthening and upper body strengthening which I could easily accomplish without standing on my injured foot. But again, not appealing.
What are the MISSING variables in this scenario?
I don’t have anyone coming to my home and rehabbing my foot right now - gentle soft tissue massage, passive range of motion, gentle toe and foot strengthening, balance training, gait training. There’s no one holding me accountable for all of these things except me. It’s not working. I don’t want to do this myself. I want someone to do it with me. I need a coach, a partner in healing, a motivator to inspire me to get to work. My drive is down, my confidence is shot, and my connection to my body is gone.
As I sit here writing this and think of 3 things I would rather be doing today than sitting on my couch they would be 1) hiking a mountain 2) surfing in the ocean 3) going on a long neighborhood walk. NONE of those things is available to me because I need my skin to fully heal to enter the ocean safely and my foot is too swollen and painful to go on a long walk, never mind hike a trail. So where’s my motivation for movement if I can’t do any of the things that would make me feel great?
I’m writing this very candid blog to demonstrate that even highly optimistic, movement oriented, intrinsically driven, medically trained people such as myself have a real struggle when it comes to injury. We also struggle when it comes to feeling “out of shape,” discouraged and not knowing where to start.
If you can relate right now or when you had an injury in the past, here’s to show you it’s normal and human. As with any struggle, I think a 1 day at a time approach is best. I feel as if I’m slowly coming back to life as my body is allowing me to move around more freely.
Now that I’m fully healed, I am here for you!
Set up a Phone Call with Me for accountability, motivation, and a medical professional on your team right now and we can get you back to you!